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About Me

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Hi, My name is Bonnie. I always have some type of project going on. I love cooking, gardening, crafts, reading other's blogs and hanging out with my family. Speaking of my family... They are wonderful and I love them dearly. I have an incredible husband, amazing kids... and the greatest dog in the world...Walter! The greatest part of my life though... I have a Savior who died for me.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Burlap Craze...

I see burlap everywhere... and I know exactly what this craze is all about, because I now have a serious addiction. I just can't get enough (isn't that a song?). So to the sewing machine I go...

It started with a tablecloth

Then it was a table runner

I was really happy find a use for the one too many little white roses

that I made out of an old white T shirt.

Then it was the shopping Bag


hmmm... I have an idea!


  1. Hi Bonnie,
    Love your bag too! Welcome to the burlap craze. My husband and kids think I'm nuts because I love the way it smells when I iron it!!

  2. Hi Bonnie ~
    I did it! I read the whole blog. I enjoyed it and want to see more cabin updates. You are so talented and organized.

    I tried to comment on your contact post but something happened and it must be lost in blog cyberspace.

    I love you!

  3. Hey... that was me, Andi. I wasn't trying to be secretive (anonymous). When I tried to post and sign in is when it lost my other post. I don't want to lose this one either so will put anonymous again until I figure this all out. Cut me some slack. You know I'm just a novice blogger. Love, Andi
