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Hi, My name is Bonnie. I always have some type of project going on. I love cooking, gardening, crafts, reading other's blogs and hanging out with my family. Speaking of my family... They are wonderful and I love them dearly. I have an incredible husband, amazing kids... and the greatest dog in the world...Walter! The greatest part of my life though... I have a Savior who died for me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Okay, I'm sick of painting!

I know I should finish today... but I'm tired! I've painted for 5 days straight, trying to get the clean look back in our home. The last few weeks have been killer between scrubbing the walls, steam cleaning furniture, painting, etc. I need to go to Hawaii now(dreaming)!
I did a few (very small) changes in the hallway. Otherwise, I used the same ole' colors in the rest of the house and nobody will notice my hard work.

Here are some painting pointers...

1. NEVER use Lowe's Valspar.... that is the worst paint on the planet! If you love it... we need to talk!

2. ALWAYS listen to Pandora radio (choose your favorite type of music) while you paint. If you turn on the regular radio... Taylor Swift might come on and you will end up singing...

She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts. She's cheer captain, and I'm painting on a ladder and can't change the song.

I think I'll go clean my laundry room today!


  1. ha ha ha. FUNNY GIRL!

  2. Maybe if you had changed the colors you would have enjoyed painting more. A new color always is an uplift!

  3. I love the hall....I haven't seen it....looks good mom.
