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Hi, My name is Bonnie. I always have some type of project going on. I love cooking, gardening, crafts, reading other's blogs and hanging out with my family. Speaking of my family... They are wonderful and I love them dearly. I have an incredible husband, amazing kids... and the greatest dog in the world...Walter! The greatest part of my life though... I have a Savior who died for me.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Palm Tree That Grew!

Once upon a time there was a young lady, who was given a baby palm tree in a dixie cup. She had a new home that her handsome groom had built, and so the young lady decided to put it in a planter at the entrance of the house. It would be their love tree.

The young couple began a family and time passed so quickly. They enjoyed watching the children grow, just like their love tree. Years had passed, and wrinkles began to appear on the once young couple. Yet the palm tree continued to grow.

The family once considering moving... yet they loved their home and it was so full of memories. And so they stayed... with their love tree. The children grew up and went off to college. It was just another milestone in the couple's lives. But there stood the big, strong palm tree... just like their love and marriage. It was so strong that it could break walls down, and nothing could stop the tree from growing!

And so the day came when it was time to move the love tree. A place where it could continue to grow and reach new heights.

...I know one day we will move from this home. I will miss this tree, we have laughed for many years about the funny little (big) thing that we planted from a dixie cup that destroyed our planter. It now has lots of room to grow... and I get a new fancy planter... yipeeee!

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